Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Lacanian critique of Advertising

  TAG body spray: who warning girls is who 'Warning' smells




   Who WARNING girls


   who 'WARNING' smells



 Product : Body spray for Men

Key points in the theory

=> Advertising Neglects our genuine needs and creates false
needs or desires . Human life is constructed around this desire and it never be satisfied

=> Enjoyment always constitutes the kernel of the promise entailed in
advertisements. there is no point in
referring this desire to a notion of a prior or superior need.

=> That mean advertising articulates social fantacy around the product
Lacanian definition of fantasy not only as
a screen which promises to fill the lack in the Other, but also as what 'produces'
this lack, what stages a domesticated scenario of castration.

=> Advertising is a symptom of our cultures.
Advertising is the element which
holds together three rings- economy (capitalist market economy), subjective
desire (a particular social administration of desire) and power (a particular
power regime)

TAG Body Spray

An example of how advertising gives the customer a false idea of reality

A group of female volleyball players are seen jumping on, attacking, and pulling at a man on the ground. The caption and writing in the advertisement states:

 WARNING: The makers of Tag body spray will not be responsible for any girl-on-girl-on-girl-on-girl-on-girl-on-girl-on-guy action that may occur

The girls jumping on the man in the shot is trying to show how desirable the man becomes when wearing this body spray. So desirable, that an entire woman's volleyball team has targeted and attacked a man wearing it. The girls are ripping the man's shirt off and the man is clearly attempting to get away but the women are not letting him. Tag body spray is showing that this is what would happen if someone wore their product
All feature beautiful girls, in skimpy clothing, which give the customer a false idea of reality in regard to what they are actually buying

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